Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Truth about Islam; as much as I can explain

I was browsing the Internet when I came across this website; The domain name of the site gave me the impression that it was run by muslims who wanted to advocate the truth about Islam and it's principles. However, upon further investigation, I found out that this site is run by a person(s) who have absolutely no idea what Islam is about. The editor(s) of this site is nothing but the stereotypical Islamophobe. All the articles in this site are very well worded- praise the muslims, berate Islam (because it's 'just an Ideology')

*Before I go any further, Please don't take this article as your only source of information about the matters discussed below, refer to credible and proper sources available on internet and books. I am not a cleric or a preacher of Islam, therefore if I have made any mistake in this article feel free to point it out and correct it.

Out of all the misleading articles on this site, one article stood out, for me. Ten Reasons Why Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace. It's quite interesting how this guy(s) goes on and on about Muslims being terrorists and Islam being a religion of violence, yet doesn't really seem to care to show the two sides. So, I'll try my level best to counter his arguments.

1. According to the site, Muslim terror groups have conducted 18,000 terrorists attacks.

First, I'll stop here and take the time to explain the difference between a terrorist and a muslim. According to the Oxford English Dictionary a terrorist is a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims. A muslim is a follower of the religion of Islam (still according to Oxford Dictionary). Islam does NOT advocate Islam; proof you say? here it is!

In the Holy Quran Allah orders Muslims NOT to spread religion by force.
There should be no compulsion in religion. Surely, right has become distinct from wrong (Ch.2: V.257)

Allah ordered Prophet Mohamed (P.B.U.H) to spread Islam through good exhortation and NOT through force!
Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation and argue with them in a way that is best. Surely, thy Lord knows best who has strayed from His way; and He also knows those who are rightly guided.(Ch.16: V.126)
This verse from the Quran clearly states that Muslims are only to advice the Kafir or non Muslims and NOT to use violence as a mean of spreading Islam.
But if they turn away We have not sent thee as a guardian over them. Thy duty is only to convey the Message (Ch.42: V.49)

Another crystal clear proof that Islam doesn't advocate violence is that in Islam the murder of one innocent man, is equivalent to that of killing the whole mankind.
…whosoever killed a person - unless it be for killing a person or for creating disorder in the land - it shall be as if he killed all mankind; and whoso gave life to one , it shall be as if he had given life to all mankind. [Holy Qur'an Ch.5: V.33]

Prophet Mohamed (P.B.U.H) said in the authentic Hadith that murder is among the great sins.
‘The biggest of Al-Kaba'ir (the great sins) are (1) to join others as partners in worship with Allah, (2) to murder a human being, (3) to be undutiful to one's parents (4) and to make a false statement, or said, to give a false witness.’(Ref. Bukhari, Vol. 9, Bk. 83, No. 10)
I hope that's enough proof on that, but if you're still not satisfied, visit or for further readings. (Also, I can not make someone change their mind, unless they are willing to think and look at this from a neutral view point rather than that of an Islamophobe.)

Also, interesting fact, Crusaders, killed thousands in the name of Christianity. They were supported by the Holy Roman Empire. But, NO, they are not terrorists. Everyday thousands of innocent women and children die in Palestine, Afghanistan, Pakistan and all over Mid East thanks to drone attacks from USA and Israel. But, NO, they aren't terrorists. They are heroes.

2. The site claims, Prophet Mohamed (P.B.U.H) had some poet killed for defaming him.

In all my 17 years, I have never, NEVER heard of such a story. Not even from the most critical critics of Islam. But, I believe this is proof that such an event would NOT have happened.
First of all, from Historical literature we know that Prophet Mohamed and his supporters in the early days of the spread of Islam were mercilessly tortured by the people in Mecca at the time. This included his own uncle. Yet, he never fought them, he spent 13 years (if my information is correct) is Mecca, preaching Islam, but never ordered anyone to fight against the Kuffar. Not even when they murdered a woman by sticking a spear up her lady parts.

Prophet Mohamed (P.B.U.H) said;
"The Muslim who mixes with the people and bears patiently their hurtful words, is better than one who does not mix with people and does not show patience under their abuse."
(Mishkat, Book: Ethics, ch. 'Gentleness, modesty and good behavior')

now why would he say so, if he wanted to kill anyone and everyone that criticized Islam and the Prophet?

In the Holy Quran Allah says;
"You will certainly hear much abuse from the followers of previous books and from the idol-worshiping people. And if you are patient and keep your duty -- this is surely a matter of great resolution." (3:185)
Accurately predicted, no? (Proves that Allah is the one true god, but that's not the topic of this post, so..)

Allah also says in the Quran;
"Many of the followers of previous books wish that they could turn you back into disbelievers after you have believed, but you should pardon and forgive." (2:109)
Allah orders the Prophet and the Muslims in the Quran;
"Obey not the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and disregard their hurtful talk." (33:48)

In the Quran, Allah says of people such as the Editor(s) of the site I'm yapping about;
"And if you invite them to guidance, they hear not; and thou seest them looking towards thee, yet they see not. Hold fast to forgiveness and enjoin goodness and turn away from the ignorant." (7:198-199)

3. Jihad. The Big J!

Yeah, so the site is mostly about how Islam is violent because Islam advocates Jihad. What they forgot to didn't tell you was the motives and rules of Jihad.

Conditions for Jihad

1. The battle can only be defensive and not an offensive one.
(2:191- And fight in the cause of Allah against those who fight against you, but do not transgress. Surely Allah loves not the transgressors.)

2. Muslims should have faced oppression in the practice of their religion and a threat to their life.

3. Muslims should have been driven out of their homes; the teaching is to initially leave from where the oppression is taking place, and if the oppressor attacks the Muslims to stop them from practice of their religion in the new abode and also threaten their lives, only in these circumstances are the Muslims allowed to take up arms in a defensive battle.

Rules of Jihad

  • Civilians who are not fighting against Muslims are not to be attacked or killed at all. 
  • Crops or other sources of food and water and cattle or other animals are not to be destroyed. 
  • Hospitals, orphanages and other places of safety and refuge are not to be destroyed. 
  • Mosques, churches, synagogues or other places of worship are not to be destroyed. 
  • Women, children, old and disabled are to be left untouched. 
  • If the aggressor stops the aggression or offers a treaty it should be accepted and the fighting stopped forthwith. 
  • Fleeing oppressors need not be pursued to any unnecessary length and should be allowed to return to their home. 
  • Prisoners of War should be treated with respect and their basic needs be fulfilled and they should be freed or ransomed as soon as possible after the battle. 
So, now the question that arises is, why then are there Islamic terror groups going around killing people. Well, the simple answer is, there are three kinds of Muslims; The Moderate, The Extremist and The I-Don't-Give-A-Rat's-Hairy-Ass-About-Religion. The Extremists have a more hard-core view on everything (as the name suggests). But that's just that. Islam isn't Extremist. It's Moderate. The beliefs that the Extremists have, I don't share most of them, yet I'm a Muslim and I will stand up against any Islamophobe who runs a page spreading rumors after reading half of the real story.

4. Rest of the minor arguments

- Islam doesn't consider Non-Muslims as less than Humans, if that was the case, Non-Muslims wouldn't exist, right?
- Quran is not the only context to look at if you want to judge Islam. The Prophets Sirat( the way he lived, what he said, etc) is also as important.
- Allah Akbar (Allah (God) is Great).. I see nothing wrong with that. Oh wait, the Western Media has made it the slogan of all terrorists.

I hope this clarified some doubts about Islam and hopefully the editor(s) of the site will see the right passage and become a Muslim. If not, well, we'll see who was right when dooms day comes and judgement day is over. Cheers!

Monday, August 5, 2013

3 Reasons Why I'm Still Using Dhiraagu

For all ya'll who don't know what Dhiraagu is, here's the short and sweet introduction; Dhiraagu is a Maldives based telecommunications company that claims to serve 79% of the market and claims to provide the best deals in the market. I actually started off this post with the title '5 Reasons Ehy I'm Still Using Dhiraagu' but, 5 minutes in, I figured there was only 3 reasons why I'm still using Dhiraagu (Yes it's that bad).

"Touch; Dhiraagu" - Dhiraagu's legendary tagline

1. Market share

Stats by Dhiraagu
 I'll be honest, even with the entry of Wataniya (Dhiraagu's arch-rival in the Maldivian telecommunication industry) into the market, Dhiraagu still controls a large proportion of the market. According to the site, they serve over 350,000 customers (the last time I checked, the population of Maldives was barely over 300,00-which was in 2006, I think). If you are in Maldives and need to contact a local, Dhiraagu is the easiest and (I really can't believe I'm saying this) cheapest service provider. Most locals use Dhiraagu, however a large proportion of the expat. workers use Wataniya, due to their cheap IDD (International Direct Dialing) rates.

2. Patriotism

Yes, patriotism. Dhiraagu is the only telecom service provider in the Maldivian market that is even partially 'Maldivian'. Wataniya is a Qatar based MNC (that's business jargon for large company that provides services in more than one country). ROL (Rajje On Line) only provides internet services and are not really good at it (yet I don't quite know why I'm using it). So, because it has some percentage of Maldivian shares in it, I believe that through using Dhiraagu, I am helping my country. (It's not really a good argument, but still.)
Stats stolen from Dhiraagu site JK

3. High prices

That's right! Most people consider Dhiraagu prices to be an atrocity. They call it 'day light robbery'. Yet it's one of the reasons I prefer Dhiraagu over Wataniya (Mind you when they charge credit from me, I too blow a fuse or two). But because I'm a shareholder of Dhiraagu, the more people spend on telephony and internet through Dhiraagu, I make more money!


With this unrelated GIF, I wrap up this post, I'm looking forward to your views and comments. Cheers!

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Secretariat during his retirement as photographed by Dell Hancock.
I know it's been three years since this movie was released, but I found it to be one of the best movies of it's kind. Notable stars in the movie include Diane Lane (Penny Tweedy), John Malkovich (Lucien Laurin) and Dylan Walsh (Jack Tweedy).

Secretariat the movie is based on the life of an American Thoroughbred Racehorse of the same name. was the first racehorse to win the U.S Triple Crown Championship in 25 years, when he won it in 1973.

Made by Disney, the story of Secretariat is highly fictional-ized. The following is the plot summary given by R. West Jr. on IMDb:
The highly fictionalized adaptation of the Secretariat story from Penny Tweedy's supposed lack of horse racing knowledge to the much overblown rivalry between Secretariat and his "nemesis" Sham. With the help of eccentric trainer but supreme horseman Lucien Laurin, this is the story of a Virginia horse taking racing by storm and making himself a household name while winning the first Triple Crown in 25 years in World Record time.
The following is the plot summary written by those bright men and women in Wikipedia:
Colorado housewife and mother Penny Chenery (Lane) agrees to take over her ailing father’s Virginia-based Meadow Stables, despite her lack of horse-racing knowledge. With the help of veteran trainer Lucien Laurin (Malkovich), Chenery navigates the male-dominated business, ultimately fostering the first Triple Crown winner in 25 years and one of the greatest racehorses of all time.

Penny learns of her mother's death and returns to her childhood home. She reunites with Mrs. Ham, her father's secretary, and comforts her confused and elderly father. At her mother's funeral, Penny meets Arthur "Bull" Hancock and his son, Seth Hancock, of Claiborne Farm in Kentucky. The Hancocks offer any help she may need during her efforts to bring Meadow Stables back to profitability. Penny's brother Hollis informs her of a dishonest sale that was about to be made by the trainer until their mother stopped him. Penny fires the trainer and asks Bull Hancock to help her find a new trainer. He recommends Lucien Laurin, an aging French Canadian, who initially turns down Penny's offer.

Penny's father had made a deal with leading owner Ogden Phipps that if Phipps breeds his best stallion (Bold Ruler) with Chenery's two best mares (Somethingroyal and Hasty Matelda), each owner flips a coin to see who receives which foal. Bold Ruler, the stallion, was fast but couldn't last over distances. Hasty Matelda is the obvious choice due to her young age, but Somethingroyal's bloodline is made up of many horses with good stamina. Penny hopes to choose Somethingroyal's foal due to the interesting mix of speed and stamina. Phipps wins Hasty Matelda, and Penny wins Somethingroyal's foal, Secretariat.

When Secretariat enters his first race at Aqueduct race track in Queens, New York, everyone has high expectations. The jockey, Paul Feliciano, is very young with little experience, which worries Penny, but Lucien reassures her. During the race, Secretariat is repeatedly hit by other horses and comes in fourth. Penny and Lucien fight, and Lucien blames Paul for the loss. Penny realizes the only way Secretariat will ever win is if he has an experienced jockey. Penny's flight back home is canceled on the day of the race, and she misses her daughter Kate's solo in a play. Her son holds up the pay phone so Penny can hear Kate sing.

Penny gets experienced jockey Ron Turcotte to ride Secretariat to many victories. Secretariat is named horse of the year after a successful two-year-old season. Penny's father suffers a stroke and dies, leaving Penny and her brother Hollis to inherit the estate. Although she needs six million dollars to pay estate taxes, Penny refuses to sell Secretariat.

Instead she syndicates the horse, selling 32 shares worth more than six million dollars, as long as he can win a three-year-old distance race. She tries to sell a share to Ogden Phipps, who instead offers to buy the horse for seven million dollars. Penny refuses to sell him. When Phipps demands to know why, she tells him Secretariat's value will triple when he wins the Triple Crown – a feat no horse has accomplished in twenty-five years. During this time, Frank "Pancho" Martin, trainer of rival horse Sham, tries to provoke a match race with Secretariat.
Secretariat is taken to the Wood Memorial three weeks before the first of the Triple Crown races to take on Sham and attempt to earn Penny her syndication money. Turcotte notices that the horse's breathing is heavy, he refuses to eat, and he is reluctant to allow the bit into his mouth. After Secretariat loses the race, an abscess in his mouth is discovered that may have caused the poor performance.
Secretariat recovers and wins the Derby and Preakness in record time, then wins the Belmont by 31 lengths (over 82 yards (75 m)) to secure the Triple Crown.
The movie made $59,699,513 in US alone.

Overall, you gotta watch it to feel the thrill of the movie. Ok, it's not as exciting as the Avengers or Amazing Spiderman, but the execution of the story was so well, that I was hooked from the first scene to the credits. Hope ya'll enjoy it too!

Monday, April 29, 2013

I'm on flavors!!

Welcome!: Hello! Whether you accidentally came here or intentionally came here, this is my page! I'm Azhaan and you can figure out the rest on your own. Cheers!
I'm on, to follow all of my actions in one place at

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

WiFi Madness!!

So my dad and I came up with this idea of WiFi-ing the house. So far, we haven't been able to find a WiFi router that is capable of satisfying both our 'needs?' I'm stuck between EnGenius ERB 600H and TP-Link TL-WR1043ND Who knew this stuff were this complicated? Anyways, dad dragged me half way across town, just to browse through the available routers, and compare prices. Male' may be small, but walking almost 1 km in 32 degree Centigrade, is just un-effing-bearable! So if there are any tech-nerds or net-geeks out there, give me a holler on which one to choose.

I have a coaxial cable modem, and need to WiFi a house approximately 600 km squared. So, any and all ideas will be appreciated.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Random sh*t that got my attention

I was surfing the internet, when I came across this rather intriguing article on It was about a Maldivian girl who is 15 yrs old, and is to receive 100 lashes for taking part in premarital sex.

Not that I'm in favor of flogging rape victims, but when I dug up some information about the case, it turns out, the girl willingly took part in premarital sex, before being raped and molested by her stepfather. According to the Islamic shariah, fornication is punishable by 100 lashes. I went through some other news articles on this same issue, and found some rather interesting comments. Most of which called the punishment uncivilized, and also called people to stop visiting the Maldives. Ironically, most people who commented can not even afford to visit the nation, no offence.

The above comment made me think about this whole thing. That's when I came about this information about the large number of girls killed in India and China every year. Apparently, Indians and Chinese believe that Male children are more 'important' for the lack of a better word, than Female children. So, every year, thousands of babies are aborted or killed after birth. Their only crime was being a female baby

Hutterite women making soap

Just yesterday, I was watching this show on NatGeo called 'Meet the Hutterites', where a group of Anabaptists' were shown. In this colony women are not allowed to do the same work as men, and are punished for wearing "men's" clothing and letting their hair loose. For more information visit Wikipedia.

So my advice to all those people who wish to boycott tourism in Maldives; first get your own problems solved, then talk about living a civilized life!



I do NOT support flogging of rape victims.
I do NOT support infanticide.
I DO support equality for women.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Vote 4 Azhaan

I've decided to compete in the Exco selection of Centre for Higher Secondary Education ( CHSE ) for the year 2013. I will be competing for the post of Ranmuiy House Deputy Captain. Hope I get selected! :D

What it said!! ^^
For those who don't know what a house is, it's kinda like Fraternities and Sororities, except it's a mixture of both. :P