Monday, August 5, 2013

3 Reasons Why I'm Still Using Dhiraagu

For all ya'll who don't know what Dhiraagu is, here's the short and sweet introduction; Dhiraagu is a Maldives based telecommunications company that claims to serve 79% of the market and claims to provide the best deals in the market. I actually started off this post with the title '5 Reasons Ehy I'm Still Using Dhiraagu' but, 5 minutes in, I figured there was only 3 reasons why I'm still using Dhiraagu (Yes it's that bad).

"Touch; Dhiraagu" - Dhiraagu's legendary tagline

1. Market share

Stats by Dhiraagu
 I'll be honest, even with the entry of Wataniya (Dhiraagu's arch-rival in the Maldivian telecommunication industry) into the market, Dhiraagu still controls a large proportion of the market. According to the site, they serve over 350,000 customers (the last time I checked, the population of Maldives was barely over 300,00-which was in 2006, I think). If you are in Maldives and need to contact a local, Dhiraagu is the easiest and (I really can't believe I'm saying this) cheapest service provider. Most locals use Dhiraagu, however a large proportion of the expat. workers use Wataniya, due to their cheap IDD (International Direct Dialing) rates.

2. Patriotism

Yes, patriotism. Dhiraagu is the only telecom service provider in the Maldivian market that is even partially 'Maldivian'. Wataniya is a Qatar based MNC (that's business jargon for large company that provides services in more than one country). ROL (Rajje On Line) only provides internet services and are not really good at it (yet I don't quite know why I'm using it). So, because it has some percentage of Maldivian shares in it, I believe that through using Dhiraagu, I am helping my country. (It's not really a good argument, but still.)
Stats stolen from Dhiraagu site JK

3. High prices

That's right! Most people consider Dhiraagu prices to be an atrocity. They call it 'day light robbery'. Yet it's one of the reasons I prefer Dhiraagu over Wataniya (Mind you when they charge credit from me, I too blow a fuse or two). But because I'm a shareholder of Dhiraagu, the more people spend on telephony and internet through Dhiraagu, I make more money!


With this unrelated GIF, I wrap up this post, I'm looking forward to your views and comments. Cheers!

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